Adult Sessions

Social CLUBNIGHT (Tuesday 8pm)

Our open clubnight, held at Kings College School.  This is open to all.  This is where we welcome new members to the club.  Priced at £10 per session for dropins, or £30 per month on subscription.  Yonex AS30 feather shuttles used.

Technical Doubles Training (Thursday 8-10pm)

*NEW* A technique and drill focused coached session.  Will involve correcting shot technique and raising physicality.  Coached by Daniel.  £15 per session drop in or £45 per month on subscription.  

Team TRAINING (Friday 8-10pm)

A session designed to keep the teams sharp.  A group team practice session where all team players are welcome to attend.  Players are permitted to remain in their designated league pairings for the majority of the evening gaining valuable match practice. Players from Mens teams 1-4 are given discounted subscription based upon level.  Check your team chat for your code.

Doubles Tactics (Saturday 4:30-6:30pm beginner/Inter, 6:30pm-8:30pm Advanced)

A session designed to keep all our members playing sharp and aggressive doubles.  Based upon a good doubles warm up, members proceed to complete various routines based on making doubles as fast and exciting as possible.  Limited to 16 to ensure full participation from all.  £45 on monthly subscription or £15 per go.  All team senior men should attend the later session.  Ladies 2 or squad ladies players should attend the earlier session, all other ladies should attend the later session.